Walkthrough for Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs Of Moon Lake | Adventure Gamers (2024)

Walkthrough for Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs Of Moon Lake | Adventure Gamers (1)

Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs Of Moon Lake

Complete Walkthrough

Written by:

Linda Shaw & Norma Kuderna

This is a complete walkthrough for the game,Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs Of Moon Lake. This walkthrough is written for playing in Junior Mode.

Begin the game by learning that Nancy has received an invitation to Sally McDonald's cabin on Moon Lake in Pennsylvania. When she arrives at the cabin she finds that sall sorts of weird things have been happening. For instance, a tree falls in the driveway path, blocking her exit from the cabin and the lake.

Upon completion of the letter, walk forward to the kitchen area. Turn right and look to the left of the ice chest on the table. Pick up thebottled water. Zoom out from this screen and turn left towards the kitchen sink. Pick up theglovesin the sink. Look up in the cabinet above the sink and pick up theflashlightand themap of the Forest.

Move away from the kitchen area and walk to the back door by the coocoo clock on the wall. Before leaving the cabin, click on the coocoo clock and then click on the dial. Watch what happens. As soon as you move to leave via the door, the phone rings. Answer the phone and talk to Sally on her cell phone. When your conversation ends or is disconnected, leave via the door by the clock. As soon as you exit the door, Red Knott shows up. He's a birdwatcher and does most of his bird watching from a nearby tree on Sally's property. What's even stranger is that he does all of this at NIGHT only! Hhhhmmm, something's odd about that character!

Speak to Red about everything. When your conversation ends, walk around to the left of the cabin and enter the shed. Zoom in on the nut cracker on the shelf and you'll see an iron and a small chest. Pick up the small key between the iron and the chest. Zoom out and turn right. Zoom in on the wooden crate on the table. Use the key you just picked up on the lock of the crate. The key breaks off! Darn, there's got to be another way to get into that crate. Head back to the cabin. Once inside, turn to exit through the front door. Ehhhh!! What's that? Go out the front door and turn left 2 times. Lift the blue tarp and take1 board. Notice that the cellar is locked. Also take note of the compass tile in front of the cellar door. Head back to the cabin, but rather than go inside at this point, and since we're having so much fun in the dark, on a night with a full moon, dogs howling, and strange noises, lets keep having fun! Turn left and head into the forest. Go on! Don't be chicken! You've got yourForest map, don't you? Just a few clicks into the Forest and you'll see a tree stump on your right. Takeboard # 2on top of the tree trunk. Proceed forward, then right and use the map in your inventory to make your way all the way to the Cemetery.

Walkthrough for Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs Of Moon Lake | Adventure Gamers (2)

One or two clicks forward into the cemetery and you'll see a tombstone on the left. Zoom in on the WALDO tombstone. More on that much later in the game! Grabboard #3on the ground in the middle of the path. Now turn around and head back to the house! You should have 3 boards in your inventory at this point, along with other items.

Now that you're safely back at the cabin, turn to go upstairs. Read the plaque on the wall. This will come in handy later on. As you are headed upstairs, you'll have the opportunity to change from night to day. Switch to daytime. Head back downstairs and move to the cabinet above the sofa by the telephone. Notice the 4 dog statues. Three of them will move, but one is stuck! We'll have to figure out what we need to make that one move! Exit the cabin via the back door (by the clock) and make your way around the cabin to the well pump. Zoom in on the well and use yourbottled waterto prime the pump. Take thebucketdown below the pump. Turn and make your way to the dock where the boat is. Use the bucket 4 times to bail out the water in the boat. Grab thescrewdriverat the bottom of the boat. Take thelife jacketas well. The bucket automatically goes back into your inventory. Turn and go back to the well. Put the bucket down and pump some water into the bucket. Leave the bucket there for now. Go around the cabin to the shed (the path leading to the left as you're facing the dock) and go inside. Zoom in on the wooden crate on the table and use the screwdriver you picked up from the boat on the screws that hold the lock in place. Inside the wooden crate take the hammer/nails and the gas mask! Gas mask? Oh my goodness, what's Nancy in store for?

After picking up the hammer/nails and the gas mask, go back to the house and enter through the rear door (by the dock). Turn to the right and click on therotten boardson the floor. Zoom in a little closer and Nancy will say: "This doesn't look very safe!" Use the 3boardsin your inventory and then thehammer/nails. Walk to the wall, click on the post-it note .

Exit the shed and make your way back to the dock. You'll need to get thetest kitfrom Park Ranger Akers first. But, how? We need to get to the boat. Look closely at the outboard motor. Notice that a sparkplug is missing. We'll need to get one, but where? Use Nancy's PDA in your inventory and note that she recommends calling Sally and asking about a sparkplug. Turn around and head back to the cabin. Call Sally and talk to herabout the dogs. Ask Sally about the three people she spoke with before she left. Also ask her about the sparkplug, sandpaper, wall hanging with the poem and if she's aware that she owns her own cemetery. When you're finished with your conversation, you'll know that Red Knotts is your only hope for a sparkplug to fix the motor on the boat. He only bird watches at night time, so you'll need to go to sleep for a little while! All that hiking and walking in nature has tired you out anyway! Head upstairs, and change to night. Come down and exit the rear door. Turn right at the dock and go all the way down to the tree and up the steps. Talk to Red about thesparkplug. In exchange for a sparkplug he asks you to take digital pictures of birds in the Forest! Oh brother, one more thing to get involved in! Oh well, say your good-bye's to Red and return to the cabin. Get some rest and start fresh in the morning! Exit the cabin, head back into the Forest (use your Forest map) and take pictures of anOrange bird, aBlue birdand aYellow bird. The Red bird and other two birds will elude you for now. You're too obvious and scare them off. What now? Return to the boat, click on the motor. Time to look under the hood, literally! Look at the diagram showing how each of the 4 sparks should be set in order for the boat to work right.

Walkthrough for Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs Of Moon Lake | Adventure Gamers (3)

Use your sparkplug from your inventory on the top slot. Now use the screwdriver for "torque" and adjust each of the 4 sparks according to the diagram under the hood. When all 4 have been set, close the lid, and pull the cord. You're off! First stop, Em's Emporium. Talk to Em and ask about thecassette playerthat Red left there. Put that in your inventory. Also ask about sandpaper. Appears that Red stocked up on a lot of things! Exit the shop and head over to the Park Ranger's office. Meet Jeff Akers. Talk to him about atest kit(put that in your inventory, too), the cemetery and Malone. Ask him if the dogs are buried there. Then take a look around the Park Office and note thecomputer database. Look up some historical facts about Moon Lake and famous residents that once lived there. Exit the Park Office and head back to Sally's. Check yourPDAagain and notice that Nancy should listen to the bird calls now that she has the cassette player. Click on thecassette playerin your inventory, then use thecassette tapewith the recorder. Listen to the various bird calls.

Go back to the cabin area and around the side of the house to the well. Use the test kit on the bucket of water at the base of the well tap. Return the test water to Ranger Akers and then get back to the cabin. All that boating around Moon Lake has tired you out! Why not take a quick nap? Head upstairs, change to p.m. and then go out to visit Red Knotts again. Ask him about the sandpaper. Take thesandpaperand leave him to the birds (lol). Go back to the house and zoom in on the cabinet above the sofa. Use the sandpaper on the 2nd statue. This releases the hold and enables you to move the 2nd statue. Rotate the statues so they look like the diagram below:

Walkthrough for Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs Of Moon Lake | Adventure Gamers (4)

When the statues are moved into the positions shown above, a secret panel is revealed. This must lead somewhere. Let's check it out. Head down the steps (use yourflashlight). Enter thebasem*nt, and put away the flashlight (can't go around wasting batteries, can we?). Turn left, and move forward. On the upper right side of that ugly wall there is a "hot spot." Click on the hot spot several times and you'll see a safe. Nancy says: "Looks like a tiny hole!" Turn around and exit through the metal door. As you are leaving you will notice a newspaper article on the steps. Read the newspaper article. Click on the cellar door a couple of times and exit the cellar. This door is now available to use any time you want to return to the cellar. Enter the house, get a good night's rest and start fresh in the morning with a phone call to Sally. Afterwards, head over to talk to Jeff Akers about the newspaper article on the step of the cellar stairs. When you arrive, talk to Jeff Akers about everything. Offer to help him do some things around the Park Ranger Office. He'll ask you to sort out some envelops in a box next to the computer. Roman numerals! Use the graphic below if you're not current on your Roman Numerals!

Walkthrough for Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs Of Moon Lake | Adventure Gamers (5)

After you've sorted the files according to the correct Roman Numeral sequence, read the envelops that are marked above. Go back and finish your conversation with Akers. He gives you anhonorary park ranger pin.Put that in your inventory. Exit the Park Office and hop back into your boat. Head over to Sally's cabin and downstairs to the basem*nt again. Zoom in on the wall safe. Use thepinAkers gave you on the tiny hole slot and click on it again. Now, what's the combination to the safe? Hhhhmmmm, check yourPDAagain and you'll see that the date of Malone's death seems to be appropriate! Click the dial and enter the following combination: 012932 (for January 29, 1932, Malone's date of death). Each time you rotate the dial to a number for the safe, click the button to the right of the dial. Viola! The safe opens. Better not touch that journal yet! Remember what Ranger Akers said.....deer mice have been everywhere! Use thegloves and gas maskfrom your inventory and look through the journal. Read all pages. Nancy learns there's a Speakeasy located somewhere on the property. She also picks up alocal mapof the area surrounding Sally Malone's place. Put that in your inventory, then close the book and the safe. Put the gloves and gas mask back in inventory and exit the cellar via the stairs that lead back into the cabin. Head back over the Park Ranger Akers and ask him for your test results. Also ask him about the gold buried somewhere on Sally's property. Visit Em's Emporium and ask Em about the newspaper article and the gold on Malone's property. Return to Sally's and check ourPDAagain. You'll see that Nancy keeps great notes! Call Sally and tell her about the well water test results. Also discuss Malone's gold. Time to take a quick nap! At night, visit Red again in his favorite nest and tell him you're having a slight problem locating the other birds for the camera shots. He'll tell you that you need to "blend in" like him and you'll need a camouflage outfit from Em's Emporium. While you're there, you might as well ask him about Mickey Malone and William Akers!

Return to Em's in daylight and ask her for a camouflage outfit. She'll give you one to wear if you'll collect 12 "bait critters" for her. Abait boxwill automatically appear in your inventory. Finish the conversation and leave for the cabin. Time to go bug hunting! Make your way into the Forest again, and you'll notice that when you come close to a rock, or a log or stump there's a "hot spot". Turn over every rock and stump, branch and tree you can find. You'll collect somecrittersalright, but not 12. We believe that you'll be able to collect as many as 7 bugs during the day, and definitely the rest of them at night. Go back to the house and take a nap. During the night,glow wormsappear under rocks and fallen branches. Before heading back into the Forest, check thecompass stoneby the cellar doors. You'll find some juicy and fat worms. Grab those! Now make your way back into the scary Forest. When you've collected12 bugs, and worms, head back to the cabin. Go to bed! In the morning, head over to Em's Emporium and exchange the box of critters for thecamouflage outfit. Now head back to the cabin and the Forest. If you've seen the 3 remaining birds and tried to take pictures of them, they will appear on your map. If not, then look at the map posted above. It will indicate where you can find the remaining birds...all but the RED-TAILED HAWK. Go into the Forest, find two of the remaining birds (Red Cardinal and Yellow Bird up by the cemetery). Return to the cabin, take a quick nap and at night go and visit Red Knotts. Ask him about the Red Tailed Hawk. Rush back to the house, go to sleep and then in the morning, go out towards the dock. You'll see a "hot spot" by the huge tree truck just to the right of the dock. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE! Click on thetree trunkand Nancy will hear the Hawk. Turn and look on top of the cabin roof. You'll see thered-tailed hawk. As soon as you've taken a picture of the hawk (click the camera several times), you'll notice the speaker box the hawk was perched on. You'll be knocked out!

You awaken inside the little shed on the side of the cabin. It's on fire! Nancy's tied up but can still kick with her feet. You need to get thechiseldown so you can cut the ropes around your hands and feet and get outta there before the whole thing burns up. Here's how to safely get out:

1) With your feet, kick thenut crackertoy so it falls on top of theair pump.

2) Kick theshovelthat's standing up between the shelves on the right and the other shovel on the left. It will fall to the left.

3) Now kick thecompressed air tankto the left of your feet. You might have to kick it a couple of times, but eventually it will catch the rag on fire on top of the shovel.

4) Now that the rag is burning, kick theshovelagain. It will fall towards the shelf and ignite thecan.

5) Use your feet once again, and kick theair pumpdirectly in front of you feet several more times to cause the can to roll to the rope that holds the chisel.

6) The rope will burn and thechiselwill fall.

You're out of the shed now, but the shed is on fire. Run over to the well where you left the bucket of water. Grab the bucket of water and use it on the fire. As soon as you have put out the fire Red Knotts appears (convenient of him isn't it? You've never seen him in the daytime!) Anyway, when you've finished your conversation, you'll be in the cabin talking to Sally on the phone. When your conversation ends, go upstairs, shower and change into some fresh clothes. Head out to the tree where Red likes to hang out and talk to him. Ask him about the gas cans behind his seat. Give him thecamerawith the 6 digital pictures on it.

The next morning, head over to Em's Emporium and ask her where she finds her antiques. Ask her everything else that's available. Visit Jeff Akers and ask about Joe Akers and William Akers. Talk to him a 2nd time (he'll apologize for his rudeness!). Ask about his grandfather.

Return to the cabin and notice theladderon the left side of the house. Walk up the ladder and you'll discover that the speaker box is no longer there! That's curious! Must have been those sounds you heard while sleeping the other night! Take a hike out to the cemetery and examine thefour dog tombstones(close to the crypt). Notice the paw prints on the crypt. You can open the crypt and step forward if you want, but there's nothing to see in there.

Once back at the cabin, go back downstairs to the cellar door. You'll see aframed photographon the door. Take that and then go visit Jeff Akers. Ask him about the photograph and if he knows the two people standing in the photo. He'll offer to help you find out who the woman is. Go back and get some sleep. Come back the next day and he'll give you Vivian's phone number. Now we're getting somewhere! At the cabin, callVivian. Ask her everything. Eventually, Vivian will offer to send you thesmall key to Waldo's headstoneif you'll send her the photograph of Mickey and her. Finish up your conversation and rush over to the Ranger Station. Ask Jeff Akers to mail the photograph to Vivian for you. Then return to the cabin and sleep for a few days (2pms, and 2ams). Return to the Park Office and the key will have arrived. Take thekeyand rush back to the cabin. Run through the Forest, skipping and hopping past logs, fallen branches and yellow ribbons tied around the ole oak tree towards the cemetery. Once there, use thesmall keyonWaldo's headstone. You'll hear a click. Now the tricky part. You must click on the letters that spell WALDO to change it to read BALDO. To do that, follow these simple steps:

1) Click on D 2 times.

2) Click on W 2 times.

3) Click on the U 2 times

4) Click on the E 2 times, and finally

5) Click on the U 2 times! Viola, the tombstone has revealed a secret passage to the Speakeasy.

When you've done it correctly, the crypt opens. Go down into the secret passage and you'll realize quickly that your flashlight batteries have worn out! Oh no! Now what? Turn around and walk forward a couple of clicks. Move the mouse cursor over to the left side of your screen until you get a Left Arrow. Turn left and then put the cursor on the middle of the page for the "hot spot" to open the crypt door. Exit and run, don't walk, through the Forest and back to the boat. Push that outboard motor to the limit as you rush over to Em's Emporium. What better place to get handy little flash light batteries, right? Ask her for some batteries. She'll tell you that in exchange for thebatteries, she'd like you to arrange theco*ke displayaccording to the illustration she gives you.(see picture below). When you're finished, turn back to Em and take the flashlight batteries. Now skip waves back over to the cabin and make your way back to the cemetery. Once there, you'll have to do the "letter jumble" again on the tombstone.

Walkthrough for Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs Of Moon Lake | Adventure Gamers (6)

Back at the cemetery, use the same method as described above to open the tombstone. With fresh batteries in your flashlight, you're good to go on a tunnel search! Once down inside the tunnel, follow it along until it splits into two different directions, left or right? Let's go right! Why not? Take the right path all the way until the end. There will be a big metal door. Click on the handle and Viola! You've found the Speakeasy. Look at all the paintings of all four dogs. Zoom in on each one and Nancy will mark the dog's favorite locations on the map in the inventory. Iggy's is already marked with an "I" on the front porch of the cabin.

Walkthrough for Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs Of Moon Lake | Adventure Gamers (7)

Walkthrough for Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs Of Moon Lake | Adventure Gamers (8)

Walkthrough for Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs Of Moon Lake | Adventure Gamers (9)

Walkthrough for Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs Of Moon Lake | Adventure Gamers (10)

It is VERY IMPORTANT that you make note of each dog's COLORED COLLAR. They are: Lucy = Green collar, Xander = Red collar, Vitus = Blue collar and Iggy = Yellow collar.,

Move to the double-doors with the board across it, and remove the board. This will allow access from the basem*nt of the cabin to the Speakeasy in the future. Turn and go behind the bar and look at Iggy. Turn and face the rest of the bar and you'll see the spigot puzzle! Now what? The idea behind this puzzle is to click on the spigots one at a time and then push the red button. This causes the letters to rotate. There appears to be no logical explanation for the correct sequence of letters, but they should be arranged as X, V, I and L (Roman Numerals: 10, 5, 1 and 50). To accomplish this, make the following moves:

1) Number the spigots 1-4 going from left to right.

2) Click on the first spigot one time and then click the red button.

3) Repeat this process 2 more times. It will land on the X

4) Click the 2nd spigot 1 time and then click the red button.

5) Repeat this process 2 more times. It will land on the V

6) Click the 3rd spigot one time and then push the red button.

7) Repeat this process 2 more times and it will land on the V

Walkthrough for Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs Of Moon Lake | Adventure Gamers (11) Repeat the same process as the previous 3 spigots and it will land on the I. A secret passage is revealed! Oh, no, not another secret passage!

Walkthrough for Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs Of Moon Lake | Adventure Gamers (12)

Turn to the left and move to the photographs of the dogs on the wall. Zoom in on the photo of the 2 dogs playing on the porch. Click on the photo and you'll be back in the tunnel. Move 10 steps forward into the tunnel (use your flashlight), and turn right. You will see a new passageway. Enter here. Move forward one time and zoom in on Iggy's Mosaic.

Look, too, at the grid map next to Iggy. Doesn't look familiar does it? Move forward again and zoom in on Vitus. Examine his mosaic and his map grid. Still doesn't look familiar. Again, move forward a couple of times and zoom in on Lucy on the boat. Also look at her map grid. Now move to Xander's Mosaic and zoom in. Nancy will mark his favorite spot on the map she holds in her inventory. Look at his map grid. Familiar? No. Go back toLucy's map grid. Zoom in. It looks almost identical to the map in your inventory. The key now is to match the four dog's favorite spots (as on the map in your inventory) to the map grid next to Lucy. Use the grids on the map in your inventory and the grids on Lucy's map grid and click on those four tiles. You should click on these:

Walkthrough for Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs Of Moon Lake | Adventure Gamers (13)

When you've done that the map grid will slid to the side, revealing another secret passage. Enter the passage and go all the way to the end. There's another door, but where's the key? Turn around and exit this small passageway. Turn right and head down the tunnel hallway past Xander's mosaic and map grid. At the intersection turn right and head up that passage. The left passage is a dead end. At the end of the right passageway, you will see that you've opened another room. Enter the room and walk around to the left. What do we have here?Little doggies! Aren't they just precious?

Walkthrough for Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs Of Moon Lake | Adventure Gamers (14)

Pet the dogs and then move farther around their cage and examine the goodies on the tables. You'll see thespeakersthat were on the roof of the cabin, you'll findDenti-glow toothpaste, a silent dog whistle and all sorts of stuff! Ah, what's this?A key? Could this key fit that door down the tunnel? Let's take it and see! Turn around and head back past the dogs (you can pet them again, if you'd like). Go back to Lucy's map grid and punch the 4 tiles again. Enter the passage and use the key you picked up at the dog kennel on the door. You're now in theWell Room.

Immediately turn around and pick up thewell wheel. Put it in your inventory. Turn back around and move to the right, where several wheels are on the wall by the pipes. You'll see two wheels on the left, a gap and then another wheel. Zoom in on the space between the 2-1 wheels. Put thewheelon that pipe. Zoom in on the water level gauge and you'll see a "hot spot" just behind the wheel you just placed. Something's missing! Use yourscrewdriverto hold the wheel in place. Zoom out and zoom in on the left-most wheel. Turn that wheel. Turn to the right again, and turn the newly placed wheel. Now turn the right-most wheel. Watch thewater level gaugego up. The well is now full. Take out thescrewdriver, and put thewheelback in your inventory. Zoom out and turn left. You should now be facing the well door.SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Turn the center wheel and then turn the left handle. Enter the well. Go down the well and turn around. What's this? Another puzzle? Oh, no!

Remember the dog collar colors? Well, here we go again. We certainly hope you took good notes of the dog's tombstones! Do you remember your Roman Numerals? Well, you need to match the dogs first letter in Roman Numerals to the correct dog collar color! Confusing? No, not really. Green was Lucy, Red was Xander, Blue was Vitus and Yellow was Iggy. So, if using Roman numerals, what would Lucy be? L = 50. What about Xander? He would be 10. And Vitus would be 5 and Iggy would simply be 1. Rotate the numbers on Lucy's and set it at 50. Rotate Xander's and set it at 10. Now move to the blue numbers and set that at 5 (that's 0 5). Iggy is just one, so set his at 0 1. Oops, one of Vitus's numbers moved. Go back and reset Vitus and Iggy. When you've done that, a pipe will extend from the lower right side of the door. Use the wheel you picked up and place it on the pipe. Turn the wheel, and enter the room. Move forward and examine the gold bars. When you're finished you have to leave the room and tell somebody! Turn and start heading up the ladder. What? Company? It's Em! Turn and go back into the room with the gold bars. Click on the DOWN arrow and enter the grate. Go up the other side and through that grate. Turn and shut the door on Em. Don't look back! Go up the ladder. Enjoy the end!

Another Nancy Drew mystery has been solved!

This walkthrough will be updated often.

This document may be freely distributed by any means as long as the context is not altered in any way and reference/links are provided to this site.

Copyright 11/24/02 - LINDA SHAW & NORMA KUDERNA.

Walkthrough for Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs Of Moon Lake | Adventure Gamers (2024)


Where to find gloves for Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake? ›

Anyway, we can get down to exploring Sally's house, our doing of which Red Knott and the ghost dogs very rudely interrupted last night. We need to grab the green flashlight in one of Sally's kitchen cupboards, and also the water bottle on the table. Over in the sink, we can grab a pair of rubber gloves.

What are the Roman numerals in Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake? ›

There appears to be no logical explanation for the correct sequence of letters, but they should be arranged as X, V, I and L (Roman Numerals: 10, 5, 1 and 50).

How do you unlock spigots in Nancy Drew? ›

Vitus- Blue- Barks at hawks Iggy- Yellow- Laid on porch Xander- Red- Picture was ripped :( Lucy- Green- Rocks in water When you find the button on the roulette table, press it and it will unlock the spigots behind the counter.

Where is the Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake? ›

In this game, Nancy investigates ghost dogs haunting a cabin in Moon Lake, Pennsylvania.

Where can I find ghost gloves? ›

Ghost Glovewort is mostly in higher-level areas, such as Gelmir's Hero Grave or Nokron, Eternal City, but you can grab Grave Glovewort as early as Limgrave. Underground - Nokron, Ainsel River, Nokstella, and Siofra River are all home to Ghost and Grave Glovewort.

What is the ghost dogs real name? ›

Ghost Dog (Forest Whitaker) is a contract killer, a master of his trade who can whirl a gun at warp speed and moves through this world like a phantom -- stealthy and evanescent.

What kind of dog is Roman? ›

What kind of dogs did the Romans have? Romans had different kinds of dogs. Examples include the Meliton, a small lap dog related to the Maltese; the Laconian, or Spartan dogs which along with the Vergugus were known for speed; the Molossus, a large, muscular dog; and the Cane Corso, which was similar to the Molossus.

Who is the dog ghost? ›

The 4-year-old bull terrier mix — nicknamed Ghost but whose real name is Hades — has been returned to the Cabada family following a custody battle with the women who saved him from the wild and nicknamed him Ghost, USA Today reported Wednesday, citing the nonprofit Animal Foundation shelter.

How do you pet a dog in Ghost of Tsushima? ›

When the game's version 1.1 update hits, players can enter New Game+ mode, and in doing so, will be able to equip the Ghost of Tsushima dog charm, a new item formally named the “Charm of Canine Recruitment,” using it to pet the dogs.

Where can I find ghost pets? ›

Sims can easily adopt a ghost pet by travelling to Deadgrass Isle and going to the pet cemetery at night. Select friendly introduction and feed an Ambrosia pet treat to resurrect the chosen ghost pet of your choice and once revived, it will now be automatically adopted and will now be a part of the Sim's household.


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