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Charlotte, North Carolina

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SNEAD REVOLTA PACE SECOND 'ROUND SECOND ROUND REv0L A PACE PROS END BATTLE TODAY pRos ENc A I I LE TODAY By "Bugs" Barringcr aleg (mkt 01 4 oh Twilig LARKWOO CLUB IS CAUSE Carolinas' Best for News Pictures and Features tturvtr PAGE FOUR MONDAY MARCH 28 1938 SECTION TWO Faces gpttle Tonight THEY'LL BATTLE FRIDAY 10E LOUIS (left) booked to meet Max ling on June 22 takes on Hanry Thomas of Minesofa on Friday night in the Chicago stadium in another tune-up fight to get himself in shape Thorne's stayed eight rounds with Schme ling earlier in the year REVOLTA IN RED HOT FORM Johnny and Sam Snead Lead ers at Turn Favorites For Greensboro Cash 16 spills on Biscayne Bay Miami LEADERS OHNNY RE VOL TA (top) and Sam Snead (bottom) yesterday took the Greater Greensboro Open tournament lead with 3g-hole scores of 143 The final 36 is on today vio40mp Carolinas) Best for News Pictures and Features gallarnamONERIEt Sports Staff ii II Ili Jake Wade 141 i -4 'N Wit Garrison 1 vrv11 0 it 1 s4 il' 4r 7 we 47::: 44 Outdoors 60 4044 Dick Dashicil 7'''R''ffe'titlr' A lop ttttmtttttt 1 PA 110NDAY 28 193S SECTION TWO 1 SPEEDROiTS--Thrills spills on Biscayne Bay Aliami GE FOUR By "Bugs" Barringcr -------(---t2 0 Qii 1 p-' I'' 1: 0 i 4 CI (fjo il gli 7 ght 4 wi i Faces Bpttle Or 0 'i eT' it l' I tit Alt i 4 wommootodo 0 Pr i I 0 1 RKwooD THEY'LL BATTLE FRIDAY REvoLTA IN LEADERS A Lti 4 i ti 10E LOUIS (left) booked to meet Max Schmeling on 101INNY RE 0 TA ri June 22 takes on Hanry Thomas of 3Iinne- (top) and Sam Snead Ft Oa on Friday night in the Chicago stadium in another (hnttnnl) yesterday took the Greater Greensboro 4 i CLUB IS einarlAiheraPirn en tour ni 'if Op na le id ebithet-urpoutniodhst vtinthoestchhnlinellxienigt the 3g-hole scores of 143 The final 36 is on today CAUSE 1 FORM 5 iNi 4c01-e 5 i1: '74 4 Johnny and Sam Snead Lead- --0 1 ers at Turn Favorites For 0' 11k 1 477O' Ci i "4 -i e'lt: sof Greensboro Cash kNt '41- -'il y41 ilran '''t l- 4 )44' l'illt104C 114-: '4A4k 41 71-'i: f'-'1 -4esttA 4-7 l' t'L i4 i 14---401':" 1 1 iisio: Ak i' '411 4- full-Spring i 4--- ti is04: lot 1714-4'7 4:: i 774' s0'Rsj-- i 5 -7': 4e: I 4 s'a' it:) 1 'ot 4 sii: r4n tnn y- i i A 1 '''I'A7 6-'14:) 1 i i1: ty 46 vwi 10' oi a 4 1 -5 sf': 4 looets 1 e'' -N :7 Leaders Have 134's For First 36 on Sedge field Links Leaders Have 134's For Firs 36 on Sedge field Links 4 BY EDDIE BRIETZ REENSBORO March 27--(iP)-- kI Sammy Snead the long-driving sensation from Whit Sulphur Springs IV Va and Johnny Re volta of Evanston Ill the leading money-winner on the winter and spring go tour shot their way into the lead tnday in the second rnund of the $5000 Greater Greensboro Open Eaeti had A 134 after the first 311 holes Revolta shot a dazzling five under-par 68 today to add to the 68 he shot yesterday and Snead who tied for the lead in the npening round with Harold McSpaden of Winchester Plass added a 68 to his opening round 66 RI' EDDIE RRIETZ 0 REENSBORO March 27-tiP)- vx Sammy Snead the long-drivin sensation from White Sulphu Springs VT Va and Johrirty Re voila of Ean the ladin vston Ill money-winner on the wi nt er a rin tshpelegagdotl tour shot ay onvcimiunn of the $000 Greater Greensbor Open Each had a 134 after the first 3 hole Revolta shot a dazzling fie under -par 68 today to add to th 68 he shot yesterday and Sneac round tied for the lead in the openin Nvith Harold cSpaden Winchester Plass added a 68 to hi opening round 66 iii i 1 DT JAKE WADE Observer Sports Editor REENSBORO March was VI an even wager here tonight that either Sam Snead the youthful sensation from White Sulphur Springs Va or Johnny Revolt's the Wisconsin wizard would win the celebrated Greater Greensboro golf championship which has Piedmont North Carolina by the well known ears Long before the co*cktail hour today Mr Revolta three years in the big kagues and the Jeading money winner of the year miraculously exploded out of that trap at the eighteenth green to smithin six feet of the cup forthwith sank his putt and posted a 66 for the day giving him a 36-hole total of 134 TIT JAKE WADE prer Sports Editor Oh 0 REENSBORO March 27-It was VT een a an wger here tonight that either Sam nead the outh y- ful sensation from White Sulphur Va or Johnny Revolia the Wisconsin wizard would win the ceraerear Greenhorn elbtd te golf championship which has Pied- mont North Carolina by the well known ears I Ban on Loop by Organized 4 Baseball Seen if Howard J44 Moss is Used ii $:: BY WILTON GARRISON i 4 1 HE Twilight League local base- ball ship which has sailed along ::::11 '1 on an even keel for a number of 1 years has run into stormy weather The first storm threatened loss of Independence Park as a full- time site for games this summer was weathered successfully But the second storm a -threat- i ened break of relations with or- Wovi ganized baseball is now raging full i blast and must be settled at the league's meeting tonight The di- rectors face a serious session 10 -z 44::: HOW IT STARTED i sa 4: The trouble started recently when :1::1 Judge Branham president i of the minor leagues of organized ii baseball declared war on "outlaw" leagues and ineligible ball players '-s'-- and forbid the clubs under his juris i diction to have any dealings what- 1 soever with such parties kr Lou Bell manager of the Lark- 9'i wood Hosiery Mill team of the Twi- if 1: 4: light was declared ineli gible last Ablia: I summer- for having played with Kannanolis of the Carolina (Independent) League after having been A voluntarily retired by the Scranton Pa club et the New York-Penn (Class A) league oe Defend The organized baseball interests didn't like the idea of Larkwood using Bell and action was threat- coed several weeks ago regarding a ban on the Larkwood team and In Chicagi the entire Twilight League The matter was diplomatically soft- pedaled however and it looked as Second Defense of Crown Within if the stOrrtitnight blow over -IT RAGES NOW Boxing Card For But the storm broke again Friday With CI in full blast when Bell announced that Howard Moss former Gastonia March American Legion Junior baseball NI 1141 NI-ilS arch star also on organized baseball's 1 of his heavyweight title ''th i 1N1 ir black list for having Jumped a New York Giant contract with the Week St national boxing program Greenwood Miss club and playing The Brown Bomber will bes with Gastonia of the Carolina shorting for his 3Rth victory in 39 league had been signed fights when he takes on Harry LI That was the climax In quick or- Thomas rugged Minnesota heavy-der it was learned that Judge Bram- weight in a fifteen rounder at Chi-ham would clamp down tightly now CO on Friday night which means two things for the Louis who knocked out Nathan Twilight League learns: Mann in three rounds in his last (II Or gni 1 baseball start will be a prohibitive favor- leagues Such as the Piedmont ite Over Thomas a courageous bat- and North Carolina State will tier who does not figure to give elul cancel exhibition games with the Brown Bomber much more Jun Twilight League teams than a good workout Thomas last- hn11 12) Twilight League teams ed eight rounds against Max at''e will not be allowed to play in rchmeling before the Teuton knock- Hayman Park home of the ed him out Boxing experts look- dial Charlotte Hornet4 because the ing ahead to Louis major title de- 1111 league "harbors ineligible hill fense against Schmeling in June "slu' Mayen" in the worda of Judge thus will have some slight basis Bramham on which to make comnarisons i In Chicago Second Defense of Crown Within Boxing Card For With NEW YORK March of his heavyweight title within week's national boxing program The Brown Bomber will be shooting for his 35th victory in 39 fights when he takes on Harry Thomas rugged Minnesota heavyweight in fifteen rounder at Chi- cap on Friday night Louis whn knocked out Nathan Mann in three rounds in his last start will be a prohibitive favor- THE ite over Thomas courageous bat- tier who does not figure to give club th Brown Bomber much more Junior than a good workout Thomas last- hold ed eight rounds against Max rchmeling before the Teuton knock- ed him out Boxing experts look- ing ahead to Louis' major title de- 'squad fense against Schmeling in June thus will have some slight basis on which to make comparisons on Ban on Loop by Organized 4 A Baseball Seen if Howard 4 f- Moss is Used kg Aili it HE Twilight League local base BY WILTON GARRISON T- 'i' ball ship which has sailed along an even keel for a number of years has run into stormy weather 4 The first storm threatened loss i of Independence Park as a time site for games this summer was weathered successfully But the second storm a-threat- ::1114 ''''1' ened break of relations with or- ganized baseball is now raging full t' 4 A e'' 1 i '1 1 41: -c-177 0 1) "-1'-- 'At: W'' I-k- ''1': 'el ii 4: 't1 1 N- 1: 1: 1 4 f' -i M'SPADEN SUN MrSpaden with an even par 71 today slipped into third plac with a total of 137 three strokes behind the leaders Five under par yesterday he was bothered by the breeze today Paul Runyan of White Plains was fourth with a 72-67-133 and he was followed by Ky Laffoon of Chicago who seems to be striking his stride again with a 72-88-140 Behind this pair came Willie Goggin of San Francisco the early leader and Horton Smith of Chicago each with a 142 They were trailed by Bobby Cruickshank 1h1( Richmond (V4 veteran Bill Heinlein of Indianaerlip who burned up the course yesterday Harry Cooper of Chicopee Mass: Henry Picard of Hershey Pa and Lawson Little of San Fran cisco Each came up with a 143 SCENE CHANGES Tomorrow's final will shift from Starmount to the Valley Brook course at the nearby Sedgefield Country club where par is 70 Offi eials of the Greensboro Junior Chamber of Commerce Announced tonight the toilrnament has been such a success that it will be repeated next March The exact dates will be announced shortly by the PG Only those who scored 154 or bell: ter will qualify for tomorrow's finals csrd nr hp teseterc IL MIL11 wne Title Q- Friday Month Headlines National Thomas Stayed Eight Champs in Action GREAT FINISH A hour later with most of the I gallery still lingering on the Starmount course Mr Revolta rolled in with a 88 which cam bined with his 88 of yesterday gave him total of 134 Mr Revolta nonchalantly stood by the clubhouse chatting with friends when Mr Snead came in Apparently unconcerned about the latter's score he W88 preparing to go out and 1 do little practicing Yesterday after the man who I s4e looks httie like Abraham Lin- coin finished with his 68 twn strokes behind Snead and Jug MeSpaden he drilled for an hour in a twilight just batting the balls Grcatcr down the fairway For some reason they didn't pay a lot of atten- tion to Revolta Snead and MeSpaden sharing the spotlight So he just went out there and pref reclisboro ticed in the twilight for An hour I and today he was Rs hot As A firecracker and the story of the day HITS GREENS Scorcs Johnny hart a 33 going out and A 33 coming in He hit the greens with his approaches on 13 holes REENSBORO March Hes just couldn't miss With A lit- VI Thirty-six hole scores in the tie more luck he could have bPPn rinoo Greater Gronsborn golf even two or three strokes better tournament today follow He played with Orville White of Amateur Sedgefield and Lawson Little He c715x s7a trai anx gyirht rIPopti oNnc44d thought his explosion from the trap on number 18 one of the best shots inform he has ever made Little who had High Point 8040-180 Dorsey Meade Danville Va 81-73-158 x-A an amazing 12 on one bole today bUt otherwise acquitted himself with C18-77511--15-3 honor was proud of his compan- snow lien Point ions' performance So was White 81-72-153 81-74-133 Char ies Farintv uri- who scrambled all over the course x-J Wagner Stateeville Ington 81-72-153 Pat Denntrin Johnny took plenty of time on that State Nvillt 83-112-1 x-81 lohn int ntif tsnA tAnos 81-73-158 an amazing 12 on one hole today 1 meAde Danville Vs x-A rpolhanntia Greeneborn 78-75-133 15- nyaerFiadin but otherwise acquitted himself with honor was proud of his compan- xstri Snow lm NPo inet" ions' performance So was White 81-72-153 3t-J Wagner Stategville who scrambled all over the course 81-74-133 Charies lartniv Burl- Ington 81-72-153 Pat Denntrin Johnny took plenty of time on that 83-111-183 x-John last putt and when he sAtbRelmintIP: HNg1Pctint i II ''i I ----r '4 lawegidt Grcatcr I 1 I Creclisboro i Scorcs 1 A NICE Bryan of Charlotte faught this 16-pound bass in St Johns river near Green Cove Springs Fla The fish was the Iargest one caught in St Johns river in eight years It is now on exhibit at the Florida State Fish Department at Jacksonville The fish was caugh on a Al Foss pork rind and required 25 minutes to land it according to Mr Bryan Fishing Season to Close Fridag VISHING season on all fish in this section closes April 1 and does 11' not reopen until May 10 This does not mean that there won't be a lot of fishing going on in the State Trout season opens in the western part of the State on April 15 Many streams have been etocked with thousands of fish and reports from the hills say that they expict a good season this year Fish are already beginning to spawn in the warm waters of the streams in this section Spawning will soon be over and the fish will begin to fatten again by the time the season opens The early spring this year has brought the salt water fish up the coast a couple of -weeks ahead of time They are already biting down near Wilmington Ilavent heard of any catches from down at Murrell's Inlet this year Would like to hear if they are biting down in the Palmetto State Bream and perch are biting in the large lake at Monroe Most of the catches are being made on worma Boats can be secured at reasonable prices and it Is reported that there is good fishing to be bad According to reports the bass fishing Is not so good but the ones that are being caught are on live bait Bait can be accured at the lake Some good catches have been made in the Catewba so far this year Most of the fishing is in the vicinity of the Buster Boyd bridge However a lot of anglers are trying their skill in the Mountain Island lake Worms and minnows are said to give the best results Where Can Folks Go Fishing? Flow where the of you biting? rTell en en us what lheplabceest in names results Would like to know what kind of accommodations are offered and at what price We have maw requests for information about where to go in the two Carolinas We would like to be able to give accurate information We have found that the best information on fishing comes from the men that do the fishing not from hotel men How about taking your camera along the next time you go fishing? Take some picture a of the members of your party as they cast landing a fish or rowing the boat If someone has the misfortune to 'nag a plug in a tree snap his picture as he tries to recover it There type pictures have more human interest than a grmip bolding a string of fish Of course if you have a record breaker a picture of the fish and the fisherman is good copy If possible send the negative along with the picture so that en enlargement can be made The negative and the enlargement will be returned as soon as the picture is run in the paper Good care will be taken of the pictures Don't try to get too many people in the picture Newspapers are limited in space Two or three persons will Phow up better than a large group Shoot those pictures in and we will use as many as possible Odds and Ends of All Outdoors ODDS and ends: The Marine studios at St Augtistire Fla has collection of live fish and marine animals that is reported to he one of the best in the world Black bass are called trout in the Deep South which is N'ery confusing to the fishermen that have caught the trout of the mountain streams Went crow hunting with Henry Benoit Jr of Charlotte and SikesSanders and party of Monroe last week but the crows are still there We knew we were a jinx to bird hunters but thought crows would be a little different Shad are beginning to run in the Fee Dee and bream are biting at Blewett Falls near Wadesboro Over two million seedlings have been set out by farmers in North Carolina this year They were procured from the State Forestry nursery at Clayton in Johnston county Quail have already started nesting From "A Reader" cnmea Information that there were several thousand ducks at Lake James (Bridgewater) last week-end Of interest to Pport- men are the tun booklets "North Carolina Today" and "Outdoors in North Carolina" printed and distributed by the North Carolina Department of Conservation and Development Bob Allen of Charlotte Mgh school claims that the fish are bitiog down Lumberton way Many states are not releasing fish until They have become several inches long The chance of surviving Is much greater When trlinsferring fish be sure that the temperature of the water is nearly the same The robins that were roosting in Gaston county have gone farther north Wild geese have already started north Dotft forget that a license is required to fish in most of the Counties where there are trout Suggest that fishermen contact local game protectors in counties where they intend fish Some streams are closed to all fishirg while others allow fishing A nice string of trout certainly would taste fir right row 4V all Itty Oka -u Don't forget that a bl icense is required to fish in est of the rounties Where there ere trout Surgest that fishermen contact jrical game protectors in counties where they intend fish Some streams are closed tn ail fishirg svhile others ellnw fishing A rlirP String ef trnut certainly wroild taste fine right new bass in largest at the caugh a kg to 11 ish I Ism 11 no be a lo western stocked expict lisl streams begin tc this weeks Havent Would sect cool Is halt Son sear Ilowevf lake II cl Flomw results and at ts'here I a ecura fishing go I am has I' Inte hay is I If enlarge returnei be take picture show will us (kids ODD! cnI one of Deep the tro Henry last we to bird Shad al Blewett In the QUA Info Jan mei doe Car Bot down I They II Is mud peraturi roosting have a Dot countlei local gz streams nice sty rammed it I 8944-172 "'0 Louis' second defense a month headlines this LITTLE BEES OPEN DRILLS AT PIEDMONT Hornets" entry of the Charlotte Baseball in the American Legion city bastball league will their first practice Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 otelock at the If Piedmont Junior High hool diamond Coach Andy Ferguson requPgla all ha" aaaigned hia to attend the first drill tomorrow 3 Also appearing on thet schedule JAmEs CON LAN in over-the-weight bouts ire feath- erweight champion Henry Armstrong and welterweight monarch Barney Ross Armstrong making his last tune- JOINS HORNETS up appearance before meeting edwo4110 nOS3 in May for the welterweight James Conlan husky young out- title collides with Lew Feldman fielder from Detroit last night join-New York veteran in a ten-round- ed the Charlotte Hornets squad and er at the hippodrome Wednesday will take his first drill today night while Ross is booked for a The Bees will practice at 10:30 ten-rounder with Ernie Schaft of o'clock at Hayman Park this morn- a Minneapolis Friday night at Minn- ing nd Manager Calvin Griffith eapolis last night invited the public out Two of the foremost challengers to witness the workout for middleweight honors Fred Early Wynn and Owen Wright Apostoli of San Francisco and Glen pitchers scheduled to reach here Lee of Nebraska clash in a fif- Saturday night will join the club teen-round return match Friday this morning En route from San- ford Fla to Charlotte they stnp- night at Madison Square Garden ped off irk St Augustine for a game In their first engagement Apostoli with Joe Cambria's club there outpointed the Nebraska wildcat JAMES CONLAN JOINS HORNETS ford Fla to Charlotte they stop- ed off i St Augustin for a me prk ga with Joe Cambria's club there Par nut 443 444 534-35 Snead out 543 434 433-113 Revnita nut 443 444 424-33 Par in 344 454 Sneort in 44 535 434-35-80 Revolts in 43 433 434-33-AA Revolt a picked lip two birdies on the first round and three on the last Snead heard them in three times on the outgoing nine and three times coming home (111EZ7I 'WAY DOWN The best Victor Ghezzt rt Dmal who won the historical North and South rpm it rinehurst earlier In the week could do wee 74 which virtually puts him out Mt the running Tor loya leadera Jnhnny Rovnila Pvanainn It 13014101- 114 'tom Snead White Siliphifr Sprintv WI svvv-114 HA(1111 MrSpartero Wineheoter Mae" 88-71-137 Paul Runyon lathita Plaine 71 87--130 KY Lattnen (Thiroen 72-001-143 Willie Greein Sari SranciveN 142 Hnrtnn Smith Chicoen 71-71-143 Pntiby Cruickohank Richmond Vs P0-141 Pill Heinlein inritonannlic 78-73-14 Harry Conner Cblenrie Mau 71-72-0 ICI Henry Picard Heridiev 32-7I-14 Maurire Woloh Scoradole 73-73-e 144 Penny Shute Weot Newtinti Meas io 73-144 Pon Hnean Aloe ratml Ys 75-18 -144 nny 'tonere) Peohntly Mato 144 to the rear end of the cup in it Jack Reim' ii iire-en S'Iso-tm- N- roll PO x-Elill Corart Durham al- ed asa--ia37 7137a7nd Atkins Fayetteville ft Johnny wins thp tournament hnC S- --c 2 18o8r hotni li ril fet int Li- the scene of which shifts to Sedge- field'a spacious and luscious fair Spartanburg 7R-711149 Georg' way tomorrow it will not hit cungerland Greensboro 73-74-- 1 rolled 110 x-Bill Crwart Durham PI- fisa---163717137aymInd JnAhtkins Fayetteville Jf Johnny wins the tournament the scene of which shifts to Sedge- ilsmc' c2 its-so-rtniv74R n3renifet' i)ousr field'a spacious and luscious fair- Spartanburg Ft 7R-71-149 (eorg ways tomorrow it suongerland Greensboro ill not be his 1 11y 14 first major honor He has done pret- Pearling Pa PA-71-131 ty well in four years of torrid corn- Denny Shiite West Newton iVtass 72-72 petition A former A cham- Ernest Harrison Little Rock Ark Dint) two years he won the na- a i 17ei 9 B1et1tierson- tional four-ball championship with Grensbn ro C--- g2 -813-I-I Allan Felattelk1Sneg: Henry Picard Although at Bel- rafin Scranton Pa 15n Leo mont he lost out after having a Walper Washington championship in the bag he is re- 7B7sylmmondnaTttloletvinT CS Pil puted to be a guy who is hard 17a-74-150 Hobart 16 ri 1tan HighPoini: to lick when he has a title in his C't 88-FIS-174 Willie Goggin Fan teetl Every now and then he drerainheisco2 773-00-7142 Sam Byrd Pill's- knocks off a big championship and i Pc18's i7-77---1 71 cni itoenurrhhaamr: plenty of folks here tonight believe lotto T-R WI G' old he will capture this title 3 Greensboro Po-11-171 N-Dick Prown Greensboro The majority however continue Fin 'Vickery' Sum cl an01 in string along with young Snead a-Tommy Wright Newport who has drawn the largest galleries i IAA of the two-days' play and has proved -4EnitzmytylAbrmh Poe Fl our Paton a Vt himself to be one of the great golf- virm owly Czekoshatancki2rlitacnhemciontilii ers of his generation Perhaps he risks 74-71-141 Herman Parron is the greatest This young fellow is while rlams 74-73-149 Pill Heinlein Induinapolis Ind 7o-72-142 coming z-Bribby Dunkelherger High Point ----sa---- 111-74-135 Mik Turnesa Elmsford SAM HAS EVERYTHING 8o-73-153 Satr Parks Jr PittsSncad had everything on hi 5 tvirgh rm 74-7s-1sti Jack Patron' round today Rig driving was long 11444st Tony PITIFIC accurate and brilliant His short geretnoriiiOrnh mil game was safe and certain el i C'rwtnitnn Va 701-74--W s-roierge masterful He continued his magni- R-nwnlow Jr Winstort-Satem 7a 4-12 ti-Jack Garrett High Point ficient putting of yesterday and 111141-1a4 st-HarrY Dorsett Greens- other tournaments hfirn al-ti2-141 x-T Pratt Said Sarazen: "He's almost bound Greensboro aaJta-172 x-tftigb Henry Picard Although it Belmont he lost nut after having a championship in the bag he is reputed to be a guy who is hard to lick when he has a title in his teet: Every now and then he knocks off a big championship and plenty of folks here tonight believe he will capture this title 3 The majority however continue in string along with young Snead who has drawn the largest galleries nt the two-days play and has proved nam Provra 74---147: Tiohlle himself to be one of the great golf- va 75-0111 -141 WtIllo MacFarlane Old ers of his generation Perhaps hp! Oal Ir 74-71-141 Herman Parrnn White Flama 1' 74-73-149 F1111 ig the greatest This young Icilow is coming lifinirio Ind 7(1-73-14t z-Bohtly rinnkelherger Ruth Fnint 111-74-135 Mik Tnrnesa FlmOnrel SAM HAS EVERYTHING Frk i sn-73--15 3 an a4 Jr Pitt a- innean naa everytning On hiS Pa 74-74-13o Jack Patron' Shawnew ea 7P-74--132 Tnne l'ITIIIC pound today Hie driving was long 1 aytnn Ohio 73-79-131 ir-W VIM accurate and brilliant His short was Pate and certain en Groeenthriirn 9P-91-1117 x-A1 Drill- i cnvinetnn Va 701-74---13n x-Georgo masterful continued magni- R-nwninwi Jr WmFtnr-Sa'mi N' (-- 74' ficient puttirg of yesterday and 74---Via x-Jack Garrett High Point P1-81-1P4 x-Ha Poriett Greens- other tournaments Said Sarazen: "lle'e nlmost bound enr" Nt I -C112- 1P7P01--N1-712 j's MUST TAKE ACTION The Twilight League directors at their meeting tonight must take clear-cut action regarding this situatinn They must rule Moss nut of the league and pass iron-clad rules against the signing of ineligible ball players or the status of the league will not be a healthy one Several Twilight League clubs have insisted that the playing of ineligible players by Larkwood affects only the Larkwood club and not the relations between the other Twilight teams and organized baseball But the organized baseball rules say differently Article 34 of rules and regulations of the Natinnal Association of Professional Baseball Leagues reads: "No game shall be played between any club of any league acting hereunder or any of its players under contract or reservation with any club containing an ineligible player: or with a club that has played with an ineligible club either during the championship season or at any other time A violation of this section shall subject each offender to fine suspension nr other penalty in the discretion of the Executive Committee" Article 23 reads: That exhibition games with any club containing or playing any disqualified player shall be absolutely prohibited" Under the same penalty club members of the National Association shall not permit games to be played in parks nWIIPCI or controlled by them between a club or clubs containing or playing any disqualified players" cnampionsnip season or at any otner tm ie A violation of this section shall subject each offender to fine auspensinn nr other penalty in the discretion of the Executive Commit- tee" Article 21 reads: That exhibi- firm games with any club containing or playing any disqualified player shall be absolutely prohibited" Un- der the same penalty club members of the National Association hall not permit games to be played in parks owned or controlled by them be- tween a club or clubs containing or playing any disqualified players" HAM HYATT QUALIFY FOR FINAL ROUND Only a few Hornets are missing now And Skipper Griffith plans "II t(11onVaNmSB0110 rcr oht 121 cAl ur to sta whipping his regular line professionALC- tllatrillonttiMtealitt 35 holes of PLAYER RACKS UP 39 POINTS kji-- au ruin I a a play in the Greater Greensbora up WM ZIlillM till3 WL'etc IklARSHFIELD Wis March 27 sib 0 en champinnship with 15n shoot Leroy Edwards former Uni- TOPTHORNE IS trig a 78 today He ix nne PtrOki9 a'ersity of Kentucky basketbgame all better than Freddy Hyatt of the American Pet a persnnal scriring JUMP WINNER Mvera Park club whose 70 today 5 gave him 1 1 er cnrd for himself teday He made PINEHURST March 27 -1th- 18 field goals and seven free throws Tripthorne owned by the Pinehurst Col itriroh Smith Charlotte publie expert stint 71 tnday for a for points as the Oshkeish all- Stables and ridden by L1nvd Tate to 337in new When -he geta out on icalin PS-V-173 Len Hans- sATtRIDAlbfas sipoR-Ers a 1 Jr placed first in the open jump the long ceursts eSedgefieldi where 'Cummings Ch stare of the Natinnal Pre Basketb II twin- Marion 7P-72-ra tntal of len And Fred Tilsein of the RAlph Lang Chari ties11' VA la Charlotte Creintry club added an Si league defeated a eellege all-star at the horse show and gymkhana hitting is at a premium he will 'al-lit I-T Pea' rnc'GreenShern tn his 81 Cl yesterday for a litt really gn tn town" Sarazen lineup 73 trt 43 here friday total 11P4 IBRIIIEF IFOIRII svith Snead but his remarks must 1 c- be discounted a bit because Sam 110-711--158 x-Cha ries Cannnn Jr- rnneord 92-9P-188 k-Al flown's played 44-iii- -172i x-Pen Garner Hgm Timm IS Wake Forest 7P-73-131 Art Hyatt and Ham qualified but the others were left out 11 x-A- BREADON PLANS egi 0 tt Junior Baseball his protege Sraitts Brelle 73-73-1411 Ralph iale Alner St Snead ham made himself enorm- New ern N' am A Oliver High Pewit CHICAGO-Glenn 70-111---157 TRACK eine Philip sets own pace tto win lin -4 nusly perular here He is gay and A unningham cu stirs 1 penal steeplechase with tong Shnt MEET TONIGHT- x-Cart Graham Greenshorts bankers rul 110-Pfl lighthearted and plays the game -re x-Roenex warner Raleigh ating Chuck Ynkby TO KEEP QUIET at Daily News indoor meet med and I (naidden by iPetel Bost- Twilight League officiale are Parade To Be Long One ST LOL'1S March 17--Sam beese one Vint MI wItit peerml Vt-ith a smile They scoff at the V-86--171 Dugan Ayco*ck Martinsvillf rintt 4 09 Gel Venzke third 1mmy Her- i New Orlears-Jarkson hand'rar wnn anxioue to continue past good rela- Seorn in which his critics have held v8- him for conduct in other tnurra- hert equals Own unnfficial wnrld record hi Sahara' front Three ns stock farm tiring with Organized baseball and 41 burr Pt-PM-1st Genrge Corenten intimated trinight that aeke Tilama sails- president ef the St LOUIS et PM for RIO sarrla Perrin Weker I ----0---- to keep the amateur standing elf rnents when out of the running' be GreenOsorn 701-73-151 Pen Inv i picker! up ht5 ball and bhthe ly sal- MONSTER eared at 1230 They are in nrder rif march Fred et the decisinn et Baseball Commis defeats Ben Johrsrm in twn mit or three their league intact a league which The story is tnirt that 7 fr ie ire Saranac Inn 74-74-1411 x-W i races rif sprint sere Don Lash runs rtrma NOCKIET a provide Priendid calibre of base-1 Ak 'clock a rd a afternoon Fishrurp Sd Creift Mike Grswalri Brrixr Charloio 0114X-109 i -In ner Kenesaw Mnuntai Landis itle 7 twn mi)es In 'IT Nr3''' RrIght Proms frir second straiMt victors in celebrating the trenual eperarg of Lee Trull ads) Ballinger Fay Gal- f' au aY' Morgantrnsn Va Wr'n" roavrof series tor Heck's 'eerie ball fru- the Independence Park fans ti Ame- i an asn't been piaying sn welt tr-trelre PArk Pr 1 1- ee agent same no brpaks meet record with I -41 3 PAlf mile during the summer monthe I halt can Lpvellt vase- Irma DDFne va a a beN because )7f has used cluba under va '4- Carat nal farm club rilavers was 1a-Isa s-mm-ie Geine -an Martinsvine "tile la3t word" though he repeats is West VIrrinta infinor meet n4 sice4us-s mericlg1inee1 ktnetrat The circuit directota meet tetright 1 pregrarn in Charlt tte rremisPa i arsky 1 tn be eine of the lorgeq And contract most hIch were nnt trl A Va Wit-an is? iii-Fcra-e NtereAith 'aril Wirinlrg r7tt5hu7 gh rrl4Y Canadiens from rile tomlrnfts Tarn a li a 1 will have full G-enshorn til-73-10t1 srae ea ert that he might have "a statement ranric They gay that if he wins ths Ft01 a2sre 1 trl iller at Foul and Cr Cymes at 730 o'Cloek Ilifiehiaan Stat tAkerg team honors ss ith rz iie gime of 0Irlpta Draw le Periwig games will be -'rtlartandeecthfiman charge ef organizing bus -l be v-Von olit for SA IcoArhiir Ham Cha 45 points to pItt JO' 2 i AtrIPA 3-3 in i'nertire Ir-eddv Hvatt Chaloc 71-71- Arri ving here after a burr ed trir I I ---i ore of the features of the meeting i and all details tSireeaddnnfrs rem o'a on and Katy bar -1 li-c't itn--3- I V1(- iUING and at the se time discusion Pt the Mr'rrets -Ce 't rn5t l't th -1 yesterday that the Th American LPZIArt J''rr etc' cm- Hr ir-rtth Vs fre th srin trnin ardi pg aig ta Pel camp at St Petersburg Ila Brea- Ran etstee rgt I --1Nt4eet 014-1 ra- Ham AriIrr prebahly will arise from the fact 81'g el0-t drigions leagUe epees its arason Satirday eing and toward w-is li- ry rraains wrirld ninth ciao) MrSr DUN 11-71- 1' 1-NTr'r" dnn denied the trin hart any can iii7s--Fot MrAw-ce Walsh Si7ars- orn p41 mcarto (Aiie'r lit44PA Anti rAl A Of ArlYnnitirt boating Gena0 that the league swill be unable to rarad wia have for two ee ai with at least s)ven erts 11 eneh with freir zarrga beta ern the e-gl-t nection with Landa' decision or an Lzvpot second nd Ad as ts: a N'i Jarees Pae rl a al It early soason grnots eaden had an even par 71 le- 0 a te 7a-l'a--144 Wrwatot t'tir1 ii achp2iilial foe re week in thAt 11''l 'a r'" 8 "'Al ''r 56 "f8" In r'rl't a'd r1rd ri rpral a AA roe- o-a -ii i--r ssr Ciz'lv Ncw 3----ir 1011 ef 'Tr Its an instiftrilent et more seears'e 11 the r4- ee'ehrat'en ef t''-s Iss a trt rm11 Is hn "--141- t' l''- It' 1" In Ihrk m'er tht1 4s- ar a-d -Is rt threl pl4re wl'h 117 3ta-eha'l Crhion ri---ua-- 31- an arpeal trent it jr-t 560e P2! I NIlchro (- -'v rat r-- I ii i1 r---- rhrhr et playg g-ourric It is ralr' Chartes Rieh is ehatrt "-It 10 r4)7te3 r- 2 1 4r7 1' a 1-'47- Fr 2 ri-ro--i hi ran never l'o i3 in ra rit iii its Fik "'I'" 4 II 471 I 1747 )14" --a- F'gt 1-10 b- rarort SI'l erttrrtar'rc't at HAy a gtatcrert to Make 13er" Brea iatiirert and n--- 1-- AT f4- 14iJ Iry kikert C-4 Arrisrre C7ark I Barr- gecrrd race of i Mare on Ind Sports Fate CO- 7 iert fcr each dlyzicr cf tre Event 'man Park er73- te the garrcs (Mere en 2nd Sports rage tel I tMore on Seerts Elm Col 1) 'cm cemrnented CHICA bankers beating 4 09 hert ervi ef 1111 defeats raes ef 10 7 fw Morgar h-eaks a-ir 45 points 5143 CT" flA0 B41 l770 for wrwator I rpral (a)-N3 eey Arc AJtert.

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.